Fees and charges
Fees and charges
Both Buller District Libraries provide a range of free and for charge services.
Rentals (per item)
- Books - Large Print: $0.50
- Books - Rental Fiction other than Bestsellers: $1.00
- Books - Bestseller Collection (2 weeks): $3.00
- Magazines - (2 weeks): $0.50
- Jigsaws: $1.00
- DVDs (1 week): $3.00
Late returns (per item)
- No overdue fees will be added to accounts from 1 October, 2023.
- If items remain overdue for 21 days, they will be assumed lost and an account for the replacement costs plus processing charges will be issued.
- Lost/ Damaged Items: Replacement Cost plus $6.00 processing fee
- Item Recovery Charge (Debt Collection Fee): $15.00
- Replacement Cards: $2.00
- Interloan: $8.50
- Interloan (non-reciprocal libraries): $20.00
- Books: From $1.00 to $5.00
- Coffee: $2.00
- Book covering: $8.00
- Resurfacing DVDs (per disc): $8.00
- Recharging (per device): $2.00
- Black and white - Single page $0.20
- Black and white Double sided page $0.40
- Colour - Single page $1.00
- Colour Double sided page $2.00
- Black and white A4 Single page $0.20
- A4 Double-sided page $0.40
- Black and white A3 Single page $0.40
- A3 Double-sided pags $0.80
- Colour A4 $1.00
- Colour A3 Page $2.00
- A4 $2.00
- A3 $4.00
Meeting rooms hire
- Commercial/Business/Govt Dept-Per Day/Half day: $150.00/ $75.00
- Non Profit / Community Group - Per Day/ Half day: $50.00/ $25.00
Non-residential subscription
- Holiday membership, valid 1 month: $15.00
Subscription membership, valid 6 months: $50.00
- $20.00 per annum
Archive search fees
This service is conducted by library staff at $20.00 first 15 minutes
and $80.00 per hour.