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Buller District Libraries consists of the Sue Thomson Casey Memorial Library in Westport and the Inangahua County Library in Reefton. Our libraries offer community groups, events, and classes for adults and children. We provide access to computers and WiFi, newspapers, council information, local history archives, scanning, printing and laminating.

Books and resources in our libraries are available for all Buller residents regardless of location. Any item available in Reefton can be put on hold and borrowed by those in Westport and vice versa.

1000 Books Before School

The 1000 Books Before School programme encourages children, along with their parents and caregivers, to read 1000 books during the five years between birth and starting their first year of school.

Join the programme at Buller District Libraries and get your ‘1000 Books Before School’ startup pack and a FREE book! The pack includes your first reading chart, book bag, sticker character map, brochure, and a folder to keep all of your reading programme material together.

Night Mode

We're switching to night mode on Tuesday evenings.

The Sue Thomson Casey Memorial Library like you’ve never seen it before. Chill vibes, board games, quiet study zones, and a space just for youth. 

One night a week. Six weeks only.

Buller District Libraries Newsletter

Stay in touch and receive regular updates on what's happening at the Buller District Libraries. 

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will email you our monthly newsletter with updates about library events, book reviews, and other important information.

Subscribe and never miss what's going on.

2025 Reading Challenge

A year of reading - a world of wonder!

Read 12 books in 12 categories throughout the year and you could win!

And our Junior Reading Challenge has 10 categories for young readers.

Bring in your completed entry to the library before the end of 2025, to go into the draw to win awesome prizes (announced in February 2026).